My name is Christy, and I'm the owner and founder of SPEX Eyewear Inc. It still feels weird saying that because until January of 2022 I had no experience in the eyewear field and had never owned a business. Everyone loves an origin story, right? So here goes.
Until the fall of 2021, I existed in the world of dance. My parents enrolled me in a community dance class at age three, and I was hooked. Fast forward through years of dance classes and performances, I earned a BFA in Dance from Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle on a full scholarship.
From there, I choreographed for both commercial and concert dance stages. I traveled the world performing with Royal Caribbean Cruise Line and in the International Dance Day Festival in Beirut, Lebanon. And, after graduating from the University of Washington with my MFA in Dance, I taught at multiple universities, even elevating to tenured associate professor and department chair.
But, something was missing.
Since childhood, I've had a love for animals. I grew up with Sheltie Suzi, Jack Russell Roxi, and numerous frogs, birds, lizards, hamsters, and guinea pigs.

Now, I have four cats + one dog. I'm always sending adoptable animal photos to my husband hoping we can add another. I love my little family.
So why did I start an eyewear company with no experience? Well, remember when I said something was missing. I found that something while volunteering at our local county animal shelter. I longed for a job that would allow me to impact the lives of animals while utilizing my passions for research, organizing, and providing a stellar customer experience.
Enter a chance meeting with Bruce, an expert lens manufacturer with 50+ years of experience who still wanted to work after the closing of the online eyewear shop he had lensed with for years. The combination of Bruce's industry knowledge, my creative and organizational skills, and both of our desires to help people help animals produced SPEX.
And I love it.
- I love helping you find your perfect new pair of glasses.
- I love that we've designed a structure that limits expenses allowing more $$$ to go toward animal rescue and welfare.
- I love working with Bruce and learning so much.
So now that you know a little more of the SPEX origin story, if you believe in us, I ask that you please tell your friends and ask them to follow us.